known as adam curry
date of birth 29 January 1980
alteregoarthur curry
recruited on 29 April 2020
department field operative
public cover marine biologist
threat level alpha
csa, cv status covert, veiled
clearance Level 6

special skills expert combatant, firearms, skilled adventurer (thrill-seeker), former army major, military strategist, telepathic with marine life, atlantean physiology, royalty, marine biology, bio-chemist, special ops

assessment disapproves CSA sentiments but recruited, army (military) background, diplomacy between land and sea, communication with aquatic life, recruited 04-29-2020, works under ivan when in the field, fixing counterterrorism front, military security clearance, refuses to speak about his private life at home could be an issue, undermines authority, slowly becoming water dependent, possible connection with wife but blocked from knowing, has ptsd, works with the highest standards, potential trainer for field operations in future

known abilities — atlantean hybrid physiology (superhuman durability; heat/energy resistance; stamina, senses, reflexes, speed, strength, healing)
— life force connection (marine telepathy and transformation)
— trident of poseidon

distinguishing marks 6'5", 230 lbs, scars all over his left hand and wrist from tour accident, 3 tattoos: A,M,G,L which are the first letters of his, molly, gabriel, and lily's name; trident on his rib cage, and a goblin on his triceps.

known family Molly Saylor-Curry: wife /omega level [corrupted] equipment trident of poseidon preferred missions internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, aquatic diplomacy, combat specialist, marine science specialist, scavenger